Weight loss

Calories In, Calories Out: The One Week Weight Loss Makeover

Samantha James

This book contains all the information and advice that you could possibly need to be able to learn how to lose weight, eat healthily, get your body in shape and how to keep it that way.


The Living Life Paleo Way Alexandru Petru

The Paleo diet is based on the pre-historic human diet and is focussed not on processed foods but on real foods like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. This book is your lucky ticket to a journey through life in the paleo way. Start exploring it because the time to take up the Paleo diet is now.

The Bulletproof Keto Diet Godfrey Muzondiwa

Make no mistake, if you want the pounds to go and you want them to remain gone, you have to change your lifestyle. Stop going on diet after diet. Instead, change your attitude about certain foods and change your lifestyle. It can be done. This book will teach you how to do it.

Working Out When on Paleo Diet License: Master Resell Rights

You have spent hours on cardio, dieting and had to stay away from your favorite foods for a long but it didn’t give any results. Does it ring any bells for you? Let’s talk about it and how to aim your weight loss goals.

Weight Loss Resolutions License: Master Resell Rights

When you’re making a New Year’s Resolution to lose weight it’s important to be truly committed to your weight loss plan before you get started. Here are some tips on how to reach your goals.

The Psychology Of Weight Loss And Management Manish Patole

This is a step-by-step guide that will help you achieve your goal of losing weight, growing muscles, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution License: Master Resell Rights

This book presents a new diet program that you haven’t tried before.