Weight loss

Weight Loss And Management Goals

Louis Luke

This book consists of information in relation to the foods and procedures that people can follow in order to promote healthier living.


Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight License: Master Resell Rights

There are many cases of teen obesity caused by the imbalance of consumed calories and physical activity. Find out how to properly eat and exercise in order to avoid getting overweight.

Wellness Dietetic License: Master Resell Rights

Staying healthy is knowing the benefits of exercise, living according to the appropriate lifestyle habits, healthy diet choices and generally keeping stress levels as low as possible. You can know more about all these steps here.

100 Weight Loss Tips Helen Thomson

This eBook is your guide to losing that first ten pounds that most people struggle with. It's amazing what little changes that revolve around eating right and getting your body moving can help you lose ten pounds and live happily.

The Lifestyle Diet Makeover Noah Daniels

The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is a fantastic program for anyone who is trying to lose weight regardless of their situation.

Healthy Lunch For A Week License: Master Resell Rights

Healthy Lunch For A Week is a nice compilation of lunches for healthy lifestyle.

The Living Life Paleo Way Alexandru Petru

The Paleo diet is based on the pre-historic human diet and is focussed not on processed foods but on real foods like meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and nuts. This book is your lucky ticket to a journey through life in the paleo way. Start exploring it because the time to take up the Paleo diet is now.