Weight loss

The Lazy Man's Guide To Weight Loss

Paul McDonald

Need to lose extra weight? No problem. This book will help you lose all the extra pounds quickly and stress-free.


Good Carb Diet Overview Haochen Fan, Christina Wesley

Find out everything you need to know about the three-phase plan that has been likened to the low-carbohydrate Atkins program and lose those extra pounds in a matter of days.

30 Day Low Carb Diet ‘Ketosis Plan’ Scot Standke

30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' has already helped a lot of people to lose their extra pounds faster and easier than they ever thought. You can be another lucky person who will find it extremely useful.

Top Diet Scams Revealed License: Master Resell Rights

In this report, we are going to reveal some of the most popular diet scams as well as take a look at some tips on how to spot those scammy and dangerous diet products and avoid them.

Your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution License: Master Resell Rights

This book presents a new diet program that you haven’t tried before.

Drop The Fat Now Watthanakorn Chaijinda

Drop The Fat Now is an amazing step-by-step guide that outlines the best way to start and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme D. Elimelech

This book is not about what you eat, it’s about how you eat. It’s about your attitude to food and about the place that food has in your life. And this book is going to change your current approach to eating and help you to lose weight as a result.