Weight loss

Good Carb Diet Overview

Haochen Fan, Christina Wesley

Find out everything you need to know about the three-phase plan that has been likened to the low-carbohydrate Atkins program and lose those extra pounds in a matter of days.


Fat Burning Foods License: Master Resell Rights

In this book, you’ll discover how to lose 10 pounds a month – a nice, safe loss of about two or two-and-a-half pounds a week – painlessly. You’ll feel satisfied and more energetic than in the past without feeling deprived.

Weight Loss Boot Camp Extreme D. Elimelech

This book is not about what you eat, it’s about how you eat. It’s about your attitude to food and about the place that food has in your life. And this book is going to change your current approach to eating and help you to lose weight as a result.

Weight Loss With Baby Food Diet Sarah T. Greenwood

A lot of people want to be fit and healthy as well. There will be a detailed explanation of how these things are connected. Thus, you will enjoy each chapter.

Healthy Dinner For A Week License: Master Resell Rights

In this colorful brochure, 7 delicious low-cal dinner options are presented. They will make your life easier and healthier.

Weight Loss And Maintenance Basics License: Master Resell Rights

You can actually lose weight in just a wink of an eye. But to reach this goal, you have to take right steps and get rid of your unhealthy lifestyle.

The Top 10 Fat Loss Myths License: Master Resell Rights

Sticking to a diet is never easy, and with the abundance of weight loss myths circulating the weight loss community, it’s often difficult to distinguish between effective techniques and strategies and misleading programs and tactics that are not only ineffective but often dangerous.