Weight loss

Navigating The Paleo Diet

Lara Khan

This book is a quick beginner’s overview of one of the best choices you can make in regards to overall health and a natural way of eating. Don’t worry if you don’t know what the Paleo diet is. Because within the next few moments of reading, you will discover why it has been one of the most talked about diets of recent time.


The Lifestyle Diet Makeover Noah Daniels

The Lifestyle Diet Makeover is a fantastic program for anyone who is trying to lose weight regardless of their situation.

Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight License: Master Resell Rights

There are many cases of teen obesity caused by the imbalance of consumed calories and physical activity. Find out how to properly eat and exercise in order to avoid getting overweight.

Weight Loss And Management Goals Louis Luke

This book consists of information in relation to the foods and procedures that people can follow in order to promote healthier living.

Weight Loss With Baby Food Diet Sarah T. Greenwood

A lot of people want to be fit and healthy as well. There will be a detailed explanation of how these things are connected. Thus, you will enjoy each chapter.

Working Out When on Paleo Diet License: Master Resell Rights

You have spent hours on cardio, dieting and had to stay away from your favorite foods for a long but it didn’t give any results. Does it ring any bells for you? Let’s talk about it and how to aim your weight loss goals.

30 Day Low Carb Diet ‘Ketosis Plan’ Scot Standke

30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' has already helped a lot of people to lose their extra pounds faster and easier than they ever thought. You can be another lucky person who will find it extremely useful.