Weight loss

Guide To Help Teenagers Lose Weight

License: Master Resell Rights

There are many cases of teen obesity caused by the imbalance of consumed calories and physical activity. Find out how to properly eat and exercise in order to avoid getting overweight.


100 Weight Loss Tips Helen Thomson

This eBook is your guide to losing that first ten pounds that most people struggle with. It's amazing what little changes that revolve around eating right and getting your body moving can help you lose ten pounds and live happily.

Calories In, Calories Out: The One Week Weight Loss Makeover Samantha James

This book contains all the information and advice that you could possibly need to be able to learn how to lose weight, eat healthily, get your body in shape and how to keep it that way.

The Bulletproof Keto Diet Godfrey Muzondiwa

Make no mistake, if you want the pounds to go and you want them to remain gone, you have to change your lifestyle. Stop going on diet after diet. Instead, change your attitude about certain foods and change your lifestyle. It can be done. This book will teach you how to do it.

The Proper Mindset For Health & Fitness Jay Simmons

Pretty often people cannot stick to diets and exercising routines due to a variety of reasons. This book will help you understand how to maintain a healthy lifestyle easily and stress-free.

Top Diet Scams Revealed License: Master Resell Rights

In this report, we are going to reveal some of the most popular diet scams as well as take a look at some tips on how to spot those scammy and dangerous diet products and avoid them.

Healthy Dessert For A Week ClydeX

Healthy dessert recipes are a nice mix of fresh and healthy meals you can cook for everybody.