Weight loss

Paleo Recipes to Keep you in Shape

Ron Kerr

This is a compilation of amazing paleo recipes that will help to keep your body in shape. If you are looking for a delicious way to lose weight, this book is for you.


Your New Year's Weight Loss Resolution License: Master Resell Rights

This book presents a new diet program that you haven’t tried before.

The Lazy Man's Guide To Weight Loss Paul McDonald

Need to lose extra weight? No problem. This book will help you lose all the extra pounds quickly and stress-free.

Healthy Dessert For A Week ClydeX

Healthy dessert recipes are a nice mix of fresh and healthy meals you can cook for everybody.

101 Everyday Tips For Losing 10 Pounds Haochen Fan

There is only one thing that you have to bear in mind. Weight loss does not happen by itself. There are only two ways to accomplish it.The first one is by watching what you eat and the second one is by exercising. This report gives useful tips for both.

The Bulletproof Keto Diet Godfrey Muzondiwa

Make no mistake, if you want the pounds to go and you want them to remain gone, you have to change your lifestyle. Stop going on diet after diet. Instead, change your attitude about certain foods and change your lifestyle. It can be done. This book will teach you how to do it.

30 Day Low Carb Diet ‘Ketosis Plan’ Scot Standke

30-Day Low Carb Diet 'Ketosis Plan' has already helped a lot of people to lose their extra pounds faster and easier than they ever thought. You can be another lucky person who will find it extremely useful.